ECS Electrical Safety Unit Course (Tutorial) - for Related Discipline ECS Card and ECS Labourer Card.This post provides support and a tutorial for the Electrical Safety Essentials Course and also Online Proctored Assessments
For people who need an ECS Labourer Card, or an ECS Related Discipline Card.
The Electrical Safety Essentials Course has been produced to provide the knowledge based training to help delegates pass the Electrical Safety Unit which is one of the assessments required by ECS to obtain an ECS Related Discipline Card and ECS Labourer Card. The required pass-mark for the formal assessment is 70%.
In this blog we will provide you with support on using our online course and help to answer the most frequently asked questions along with providing guidance on booking exams.
Recommended Devices and Internet Browsers
The courses will work on most devices, however for the best experience, we do recommend screen sizes no smaller than 10 inches.
Our recommended browsers on all devices are Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
However, for the formal ECS assessment, the ECS recommend Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
Recommended Study Plan
1. Do a Practice Assessment - located under the course resources ribbon to set a baseline assessment of your knowledge before you start the main course units.
2. Commence on the main course units listed under course units ribbon. Although completing these can be done in around 4 hours of study, we recommend breaking your study into smaller sections. A great advantage of e-learning is if you feel tired, or you feel you need a break, you can leave it and return later. We recommend learning sessions of around an hour with a full break away from screen for at least fifteen minutes, with perhaps a short walk and some fresh air.
3. Repeat practice assessments until you feel confident about passing with scores of 80% or higher - revisit main learning units to refresh areas you feel weak on. Note the passmark for the ECS Electrical Safety unit formal assessment is also 70%, so this is a tougher test to pass than some, therefore the more you practice and the higher your practice score above 80% the more likely you are to pass!*
4. Email to request booking of your formal assessment(s) if you purchased as part of your course AND provide the following information:
Title:(Mr, Mrs etc).
First name:
National Insurance Number:
Date of birth:
A head and shoulders photo (passport style, neutral expression and clean background):
Photo of formal ID (passport, driving licence, or previous ECS card):
Contact phone number:
These must match any existing account that you may have registered on
PLEASE NOTE - upon sending this email you will receive an auto response asking for these details - please ignore as long as you have provided everything requested.
IMPORTANT - Our exam team will attempt to book all exam requests received by 2pm during office hours, this is on a first come, first served basis.
Site and Course Navigation Tutorial
To book your assessment, please email
You will receive an auto response which covers all exams we do, however the critical information we require to book your Electrical Safety Unit Assessment is:
Once you have passed the assessment and if you have also passed the general HS&E assessment too, then you will find you will be able to order your related discipline card from the website.
Formal ECS online assessments must be accessed using a Windows PC or MAC, using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge and you must have a webcam. Full system details can be found
You may find that you will be required to allow certain permission on the PC/browser for the test to work, 'Basic Guidance' can be found on the following link:
Assessments must be completed within 1 month of the course
expiry date.
* resits cost £47.50+VAT, we also do a one week course extension with resit package for £70 + VAT this can be ordered on request to