/Lounge Blogs/ACE:Electrical/Safe Isolation Procedures - What is Best Practice for working safely on electrical installations?
09, Jul, 2024

Safe Isolation Procedures - What is Best Practice for working safely on electrical installations? In this post, Learninglounge.com Director, Terry Brown looks at what he considers to be 'The Bible' when it comes to a reference document for understanding the best ways to perform Safe Electrical Isolations.

One of the most common causes of electricians receiving a fatal electric shock at work is that a 

'Safe Isolation Procedure' has not been followed.

A dreadful example is when someone is killed while working on equipment they had switched off, and yet because the isolation was not secure, someone else has then inadvertently turned the supply back on…it’s difficult to imagine the guilt that you might feel if you had just killed a colleague, possibly even a friend.

This is why Safe Isolation Guidance that is agreed across the whole of the electrical industry is so essential.

As a Charity that is committed to reducing deaths and injuries caused by Electrical Accidents, Electrical Safety First developed their Best Practice Guide 2 on Safe Isolation Procedures.  (BPG2)

The 23-page guide is an essential reference document for not only those who carry out Safe Isolation, but for employers, and those who have duties under the Health & Safety at Work Act, to provide safe systems of work.

The guide explains the roles and responsibilities, the legislation that applies, including the Electricity at Work Regulations, and the essential components of a Safe Isolation Procedure.

You might be wondering how switching off, locking off and checking for dead can fill a 23-page document, but from experience when producing our Electrical Safety content for Learninglounge.com the topic can be a lot more complex than you think. The competence of users, possible multiple supply sources, the type of electrical supply system and the working environment all need to be considered before you ask the installation owner “Is it okay to switch off?” - the Best Practice Guide is a must-have resource, and it’s completely FREE, along other Best Practice Guides covering a Host of electrical content.

To get your Best Practice Guide, CLICK HERE to download.




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