/Lounge Blogs/Current Flow/Newsflash! We're up-to-date with Amd 1
11, Feb, 2020

Newsflash! We're up-to-date with Amd 1 18th Edition online course updated to Amd 1:2020

On 3rd February 2020, the IET published Amendment 1 of BS 7671:2018 to allow for advances in EV charging technologies that weren't available at the time of the original publication.  So, since then, we’ve worked solidly for four days to update our course.  


Admittedly, we weren’t first to market again with the updates, but that’s because we set ourselves very high standards.  And, scripting, filming, editing and creating animations takes time and thought as we want our learners to have access to best engaging video content, high-quality animations and graphics that we can offer.  And, wherever possible, we take you to actual locations rather than use boring slides and never make use of a computer-generated voices.


So, if you’re an existing customer, this means that you do not need to do anything because Section 722 has been updated automatically for you.  And, for new customers, you’ll have confidence that studying with us will mean that you’ll be accessing the most up-to-date content available, both in the course and with practice questions built right into our exam simulator.

Why choose Learning Lounge?

·       Electrical content-creators since the 1980s – We were the first to offer Wiring Regulations content, way back when the 15th Edition was around.  Now, 30 years on, we truly believe that we’ve created the best and most comprehensive learning content and state-of-the-art exam simulator available in the marketplace. Check out our free samples; there’s loads to see (unlike some other offerings).

·       Course presenters – are at the top of their game.  Having over 30 years’ experience, with Dave as a former BBC broadcaster and Gary representing the IET on JPEL/64, we tell you as it is, and why the requirements have come about; we don’t just show or read the words from the book. They’ve both also worked for NICEIC.

·       Exam success – we're so confident that you’ll pass your 18th Edition exam first time.  If you don't, we'll provide a re-sit absolutely free*.

·       Additional resources – for free.  We have a wealth of free blogs that cover breakdowns of exam questions and answers, and exam techniques that really show you where stuff is in the regs.  These, and the deeper learning content within our course, will really help you when you sit your exam.

·       Study via any ‘connected’ device - PC, Mac, or Tablet and, if you like, some smartphones; if you’re online, you can access our course.

Electric vehicle course launching soon

Check out our next online offering: www.learninglounge.com/eve  

*To be eligible, learners must fully complete our 18th Edition Full Online course and achieve 80 % or more in our final course assessment (exam simulator).




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